Sunday, April 19, 2009

Yankees vs All Hallows Catholic H.S. baseball team

The New York Yankees lost 22 to 4 Saturday. All Hallows Catholic high school had to hire a bus to travel an hour to Staten Island to lose 8 to 4.

The kids were supposed to play on their own homefield in a replacement park promised by all the adults involved with building the glittery new ________
billion dollar Yankee Stadium. The New York Times reports delays and controversy over a missing four-acres has exposed broken promises.

In ___________ when you miss a foul shot after a messed-up call there is a wise saying that may explain the debacle on the _________ field.

"The ball don't lie ! "

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Papal beginnings

What would be more fitting than starting a Catholic sports blog off with a quote from Pope John Paul II about well sports.

" has in itself an important
moral and educative significance:
it is a training ground of virtue, a
school of inner balance and outer
control, an introduction
To more
true and lasting conquests."

He stated this in A Catholic Perspective: Physical Exercise and Sports in 1979

The Holy JPII even noticed the importance of athletics and sports in the development of people. I do believe all high schools especially Catholic high schools need to show a greater emphasis in their development of both their PE and sports programs so the students get a well rounded high school experience. All students should graduate with a great appreciation of academics and the knowledge of how to live their entire lives spiritually and physically fit.

This is the time for schools to emphasize both due to the current times in which we are living. Let me know what you think.

C out